Performing salaah in the musjid before going to the taraaweeh venues
Q: In the month of Ramadhaan, there are many jamaats for Taraaweeh salaah in our area. Taraaweeh salaah is performed in homes, garages, factories, etc.
Certain people do not perform the Esha salaah in the musjid, but rather perform it at the venue where they perform the taraaweeh salaah. As soon as the time of Esha enters, they perform their Esha salaah and then commence their Taraaweeh salaah. In our area, the musjid is close to the venues of these taraaweeh jamaats.
Is it correct for the people to perform their Esha salaah in the taraaweeh venues or should they perform their Esha Salaah in the Musjid and thereafter proceed to their taraaweeh venues?