Importance of Salaah with jamaat

Not going to the Musjid due to fear of being hijacked

Q: My mother does not want me to go to the Masjid for Maghrib and Esha Salaah. Though we only live 15-20 minutes from the nearest Masjid, our house is in a somewhat isolated area. So my mother fears me being hijacked or something similar. Hijackings etc. are common at these times and in our area, so the fear of my mother is valid. However, I do not feel it is so dire. But I could be wrong. Though I also want to perform all my Salaah in the Masjid Insha-Allah. Please advise if I have to follow this command of my mother and thus perform Maghrib and Isha Salaah at home?

Performing Salaah at home when there is a severe downpour

Q: In the UK the weather is often cold and wet and I am a young teenager. Sometimes I want to go to pray salah with the jamaat but due to the weather my mother stops me fearing that I will become ill. Shall I disobey her and fulfil Allah Ta'ala's command or obey her and read at home? Would I get a sin for not obeying my mother or missing salah with jamat?