Straightening the saffs

Performing Salaah between pillars

Q: In a Masjid, a row is usually left empty after every few rows, as it has several pillars.

1. If it is left empty, is the Salah of those behind it valid?

2. Is Salah valid between the pillars?

3. Once, people prayed in that row to the right of a pillar, but to the left of the pillar the row was empty. Was the Salah of those who prayed to the right of the pillar valid?

Performing salaah with an empty space in the saff in front

Q: If one prays in congregation, but due to people praying ahead, he cannot join the saffs ahead, is it permissible:

1. To pray behind an empty space between him and the safs ahead where more than two safs can be formed?

2. OR should he pass in front of musalles to go ahead? What about in the Haram Shareef in Makkah Mukarramah and Masjid Nabwi? Are we allowed to pass in front of musalles?

3. If one prayed behind with an empty space ahead, does the salah need to be repeated?

4. If needs to be repeated, if the prayed salah was janazah, what intention to make for the repeated salah, nafl as janazah salah perhaps cannot be repeated?

Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah

Q: If a person comes last in the masjid and there is no space in the first row

1. Should he slightly pull a person from the first row to stand next to him?

2. If the person from the first row comes back to join the person standing alone in the back, what should be the duty of the men who were standing left and right of the person who went back? Should they remain in their places or move closer? What is the proper way to fill that space?