Straightening the saffs

Arranging the Saffs

Q: The following categories of Muqtadis are present for a Jamaat Salaat: Mature males, Immature males, Mature females and Immature females. What will be the order in which the sufoof (rows) are arranged?

Two people performing jamaat

Q: If the time for Fajr salaah in the masjid /musallah is up, and there is only the muazzin and imam present, but someone arrives just then but still needs to make wudhu and read sunnats. Should the muazzin stand behind the imam because they know there is another musallee that will join the salaah later, or should he stand on the right of the imam and when the musallee comes to join then move back to the saff?

Standing in the saff alone

Q: My question is about a random salafi brother that came up to me after Salah and he is like you should not have stood alone at the back your Salah is not accepted. I believe its Makrooh to stand alone in a Saaf. There was no space and later someone joined as well. I just wanted dalil for my self not for anyone else. I got very irritated because I could see he was just bringing up issue after issue. Allhumdulilah I read your fatwas everyday, he went on after that talking about where we place our hands and he was like Walahi the hadith is daaif about Ali Radhiallahu anho. I was so shocked he was taking Qasam on everything. I have read proofs from your website about the hands. My main concern is my intention. I am going to be starting Alim course soon. Could you explain the type of intention I should have when studying and coming across people like this. I know everything is for the sake of Allah. But I felt very angry towards this person more then anything and I had this feeling which was from shaitaab to prove him wrong.

Encouraging the musallees to do what is right

Q: I lead the prayers in the Masjid. Many people stand with there children in the first saff. The children are under 9. When I tell them make the children stand at the back they do not listen. What is the Shar'iee hukm? Is it makruh for them to stand in first saff? Are they allowed to stand in second saff or they should stand in last row on the left side? Please give me reference from Hadith so I could explain to them and also if they do not listen how should I advise them?

Straightening the Saffs in Salaah

Q: It comes in a Hadith that straighten the rows, the word "taraas" has been mentioned which means join like a brick wall with no gaps. So why do we not join the feet and only the shoulders. Also, what does it mean by close the gaps shaitaan will come in-between? Also, if the companions joint their feet an shoulders should we not follow them in the beggining of Salaah? And is it nessasary to join the shoulders? Please give me daleel as these are people's questions. Where I give dars.