flowing blood

Using a tissue to check if one's haidh has ended


1. If a woman, to check the end of her period, cleans her private part, places a tissue there, waits 30 minutes, checks and sees no discharge - does this mean her period is over? Should she wait longer than 30 min before deciding?

2. Also at the beginning/middle of her period, does she have to make ghusl and pray during the times when blood is not flowing? For example, she sees blood at the beginning of her habit and realizes her period has started. Then she sees no blood for about half a day, then she sees blood again and the blood continues for days. During this half a day, is she considered to be on her period?

Will an object be impure if there are no signs of impurity visible?


1. If someone gets scratched by a persons nail accidently and blood begins to flow or a person gets cut with a knife and blood begins to flow but no blood can apparently be seen by the naked eye on the person (who scratched you) nail nor can blood be apparently seen by the naked eye on the knife, does the person who scratched you have to wash his nail or does the knife become napaak and have to be washed even though you can apparently see no blood with your naked eye?

2. In a similar scenario, if you are not sure when or which object cut you and caused blood to flow and no blood can apparently be seen on anything or a glass shatters and a piece cuts you but you are not sure which tiny piece that is now scattered on the floor cut you and no blood can apparently be seen on any of the pieces, do you regard everything in the vicinity as napaak even though no blood can apparently be seen by you on anything?

Flowing blood

Q: I know non flowing blood is pure but what if it is wet where the wound is and the blood/wetness goes on a towel or elsewhere you've touched? Does it make the towel or elsewhere najis? Or if I'm not sure if it did transfer anywhere then is it still pure?

Flowing blood

Q: About blood and wounds.

1. If I see blood stopped flowing from a wound can I perform wudu and salah knowing that either during wudu or during salah due to dabbing the wound blood will start flowing again?

2. I guess the same ruling applies to the case when blood wasn’t flowing but was on the top of the wound before salah and wudu?

3. If I don’t put any plaster on top of wound and perform salah, is it ok if blood is dabbed does it invalidate my salah?

4. if I don’t use any plaster and blood dabs my clothes during salah, is my salah valid, I mean is blood in this case najasa? Or salah is valid but clothes to be washed for next salah?

Please kidnly reply to each question, as I don’t use plasters, they have this glue on them which then has to be washed good for next wudu and I try to avoid it, I also don’t have them always around. Napkin is not possible to secure good always, so is it ok not to put anything on a wound and let the blood be dabbed and let the close be dabbed for this salah and wash them for another? What is the ruling here, I honestly don’t understand what breaks wudu, what breaks salah when it comes to blood and wounds? Kindly try to be detailed and precise in answers, because general answers create more questions sometimes.