
Can an organisation stipulate to the recipient how the zakaat money should be used?

Q: I would like to know if an organization that is responsible for collecting zakaah and also giving zakaah

1. Can give zakaah to a zakaatable person for building a house

2. Does that zakaah that has been given by the organization specifically to that person only for building of his house can be used for other purposes other than building of the house?

Organizations making videos of relief work

Q: What is the Shariah ruling on videos. It has become common practice for Ulema to lecture in video, as well as 'reputable' muslim NGO making videos of visits to foreign countries where they provide assistance. Recently a visit to Albania, the visit is on video of Ulema presenting food etc. to the impoverished of that country. Orphans are made to stand in front of cameras receiving aid.

Organisations doing Qurbaani for the public

Q: What is the ruling regarding the following situation:

Certain organisations, before the days of Qurbaani, purchase animals which they intend to sell to the public and also carry out nafl Qurbaanis on behalf of the public. After slaughtering the animals on behalf of the public, they distribute the meat among the poor in indigenous areas. All the meat of these animals is given in sadaqah and nothing comes to the purchasers. The way the animals are purchased is that people contact the organisations telephonically or via email and purchase animals. Those purchasing the animals do not see the animals nor do they select the animals, and nor do the organisations select any animal on behalf of the purchaser at the time of purchase. However, since the organisation knows the number of animals they possess and wish to sell, they continue selling to the public till all the animals are sold. On the day of Qurbaani, these animals are slaughtered by the organisations and distributed among the poor.

a. Is it necessary at the time of purchasing the animals to select the animals one wishes to purchase for the nafl Qurbaani?

b. Is this method of purchasing the animals and carrying out the nafl Qurbaani correct? If this is not the correct method, then what is the correct Shar’ee method of purchasing the Qurbaani animals and getting the animals slaughtered on one’s behalf by the organisations?

Distributing zakaat

Q: In regards to discharging Zakaat, it has become very difficult now a days to find out who deserve to receive Zakaat. Please advise where else it can be discharged like muslim institutes, orphan centers etc?