Qualities of the Imaam

Qualities of an Imaam


1. I would like to know what are the attributes of a person being imam and leading salaah?

2. Can a haafidh who is known to exploit and be dishonest or is a substance abuser lead salaah; fardh or taraweeh salaah?

Appointing a dishonest person as an imaam for Taraweeh Salaah

Q: This Ramadhaan, Alhamdulillah we have had many Hufaadh leading us in Taraweeh Salaah all over the world. Some with great Qiraat and beautiful recitations.

However in a masjid that we were praying at, a Hafidh was leading us in taraweeh salaah. The said Hafidh is a businessman, but a known exploiter of his employees and also has dishonesty in his dealings. Is our Salaah behind him counted or should we reperform our Salaah.

What advice can we give to trustees of the Masjid regarding this?

Drug addict leading taraweeh salaah

Q: I want to know something about drugs. I will be leading taraweeh for the first time this year. Unfortunately, I am in the grasp of drugs. Is it true that if I take them within 40 days of Ramadhaan, the taraweeh I lead will not count?

Also, does this apply to drugs other than marijuana, like molly, cocaine, and lsd?

Please take into account that I am trying to stop, but slowly as the withdrawal effect is immensely strong.

Father not following his son in salaah

Q: A father asks his son to vote for a particular candidate in electionbut he doesn't obey his father and supports someone else. Now the father gets angry with his son and abuses him on several occasions. This person (the son) leads prayers in the local mosque but his father doesn't follow him in congregation. The question is that what should the other people do? Should they follow him or not?

Imaam making masah on socks

Q: The place where I live is a very cold place so the imam of the mosque always wears normal socks and does masah on the socks. Is it better to pray behind him without doubting or pray behind him and repeat the namaz make jamaat at home with one's family members? Which option do you recommend?