vaginal discharge

Wet dream


1) If don't feel or remember any wet dream nor any normal dream nor any orgasm nor any sensation and nor any arousing but feel wetness on waking up or see little discharge like regular vaginal discharge so ghusl is fardh on me?

2) If I have a wet dream and feel wetness or see little vaginal discharge on my clothes but very sure that wetness is not mani or mazi ( may be sweat or istinja wetness) so ghusl is fardh on me?

Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you if I don't feel or remember any wet dream, not any orgasm but feel wetness upon waking up so ghusl is waajib upon me in these situations.

1) If wetness is sweating

2) If wetness is due to istinja during night

3) If wetness is regular vaginal discharge

4) If wetness is mazi

5) If wetness is mani

Vaginal discharge

Q: When I was cleaning my private area after urination, I was washing and got this weird feeling from the water in my private area and i noticed a bit of discharge but like i didn't feel like I was tired. Am I napaak now from that? Please reply.