Various masaail of Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Reciting Aameen softly

Q: Within the Hanafi Madhab, is the issue of a soft or a loud aameen in Jamaat Salaah a valid difference of opinion? I am asking this as more and more Hanafis are reciting aameen loudly, hence, I am unsure whether or not to try to correct people.

Making Salaam before the Imaam

Q: Last Friday I was offering my jumma Salaah in a newly built musjid. I reached a little late but before the sermon started. I was sitting on the 1st floor of the musjid as the ground floor was fully occupied. When the prayer started, in between the speaker stopped working and we were not able to hear the Imaam so few men started calling out for the indication called the takbeer. The place where we were performing Salaah there were few adult brothers and 15-20 childrens of 10-12 years of age. As for the indication few men were calling the takbeer and the children found it too good so they were also shouting the same but at some point it happened we were not able to hear the men's call but the children's call was highly audible as it was louder than the men because the men were on the ground floor and we were few with the children. We didn't know what was going on as to what position the Imaam was in. At last the children said As salamualaikum wa rahmatullah the last 2 words in namaz and we ended our namaz but as we peeped out of the window the Imaam was still in Salaah so basically we ended before the Imaam and we have to re-pray but my question is when we ended our namaaz and Imaam was still in namaaz and we have to repeat it, so can we again join the same namaaz as the Imaam was in the last stage of namaaz but it was not ended?

Imaam performing Salaah in the state of janaabat

Q: If an imam performed Salaah in a time and he is in janaabat and he knows that he is in janaabat but still he became Imam and performed the Salaah, and he did this many times like more than 100 times and for different prayers, so now if he wants to make tauba but he still can't tell those people that repeat their Salaah because actually he also don't have any count of prayers so if he did tauba is there any possibility that Allah Ta'ala will forgive him?

Making Jamaat on an aeroplane

Q: A person is on a plane with his wife, and the time for salaah sets in. There are no other Muslims visible that would be able to perform salaah with the man in jamaat. In this case 1) Would it be better that the husband and wife perform salaah with jamaat or better individually? 2) If there is minimal space and the wife would have to stand almost next to the husband in salaah with jamaat, perhaps on the left hand side, would it be permissible to perform the congregational salaah in this manner?

Making jamaat

Q: Is it permissible for a mother and son to perform Salaah together in Jamaat? If so, where should the mother stand and is it necessary for the mother to give the iqaamah?