Various masaail of Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Using a microphone for Salaah

Q: Is it correct to surmise that young scholars using microphone for Salah and allowing their Salah to be broadcast in the homes for ladies to hear may be motivated by show, particularly in Fajr where the number of saffs are few and there appears to be no obvious need for microphone? If not show, what else could a reasonable rationale be?

Imaam breaking his wudhu in Salaah

Q: While leading the salaah, my wudhu broke. I was taught that it is best to break the salaah in this instance, due to the possibility of creating confusion. I therefore made one salaam and announced that my wudhu had broken while moving away. No one in the congregation stopped their salaah and the person behind me stepped forward to continue the salaah from the point that I stopped.

1. Was it correct for them to continue the salaah, as I had made one salaam (After my wudhu broke)?

2. Does the salaah have to be repeated? 

3. Can you explain any other  rulings that may help in such a  situation (does the Imam have to appoint someone, or does simply moving away suffice,

Performing Salaah with a microphone

Q: There appears to be no practical requirement for a microphone to be used for certain Salaah in the Masjid, in particular Fajr where, unfortunately, the congregation is small. Therefore I have 5 specific questions:

1. Is it necessary from a Shar'ee perspective that the followers of the Imam need to hear the Qir'at of the Imam?

2. If the answer to the first question is in the negative, why are our Ulama using microphone for Salah?

3. What are the Shar'ee objections or requirements, if any, for using a microphone in Salah and

4. Even if the Jamat is large, is it not sufficient to use the method of citing people at intervals in different rows so that they recite the takbeer and everyone else can therefore come to know that the Imam has gone in to Ruku, Sajdah etc?

5. Finally, the use of the microphone also entails the Imam engaging in loud congregational Du'a after the Salah and/or announcement and/or Naseehah which then disturbs the Masbooq. Is this permissible? If not, why is it done by our own Deobandi Ulama?

Performing Salaah in jamaat on the plane

Q: If one is travelling in a plane and wants to read salah with another brother in jamaat, in the limited space at the back of the plane would it be permissible due to space being limited:

  1. The imam stands directly in front of a single muqtadi?
  2. The imam stands almost next to muqtadi, just a few centimetres in front (due to space restrictions the ideal of one foot behind the imam cannot work)?
  3. The imam stands on the right of the muqtadi, muqtadi behind imam one foot length?