Things which render the Salaah Makrooh

Praying when one has an urge to urinate

Q: Exactly when is it makruh to pray when having a urge to urinate? Is this only when one is realy about to urinate such that he is realy pressing himself to hold ? Sometimes I take wudhu and after a while I get a feeling of having little pressure, but I can feel myself freely without pressing to hold myself.

Can you tell me from which point the urge/pressure does become makruh?

Performing Salaah in a place where there are pictures of animate objects

Q: If one does after performance of salaah find a picture that would make his salaah makruh, is it still makruh since he was unaware of the picture or forgot completely to  cover it when he commenced the salaah? and what if he was unaware when he commenced the salaah, but during salaah he saw the picture or remembered he forgot to cover a picture? I assume in such cases there is no karahaat.

Performing Salaah next to a person who has a picture of an animate object on his clothing

Q: When arranging the row for prayer I saw that one man had a trouser with a PUMA logo (animation of a jaguar) at the side of the leg, so I did not stand next to him, but I stood next to the person who was standing next to him so that this animated picture would be not visible to me. However when we stood up for the 2nd rakah the man was for some seconds still in the sajdah posture so I saw this animated picture. Did my salaah become makruh and must I repeat it?