Things which render the Salaah Makrooh

Shaking movement with the head in sajdah

Q: If after saying 3 or more times the tasbih, one makes unintentionally a shaking movement with the head (because of holding the forehead and nose firmly to the ground) does this break the prayer (in the view of Abu Yusuf that tadil arkaan is fard)? Or is after saying 3 times the tasbih the obligatory sajdah already fulfilled and the movement does not matter?

Silence board in the Musjid

Q: There are 2 silence boards in the masjid, but the one in the masjid has a white background and the head and hand are black color. Sometimes when I join the saff this board falls in front of me, or to my left or right, or sometimes diagonal (2 o'clock). Would in such instance my salaah with this board makruh? I have told the chairman about this board and he told me since the head has no eyes there is nothing wrong with it. Is this true? Since I have told them and they say there is nothing wrong with it, and if it is in reality indeed makruh is it still makruh for me since I have approached them about?