choosing a spouse

Marrying someone who watches TV

Q: If an Aalimah who wears full niqab and does not intermingle with men or watch tv movies etc. gets a proposal from a doctor whos a hafiz, which means he probably does khalwat with women and he watches football, would you even tell the Aalimah to consider him? He is praised for his akhlaaq. He also visits a female dentist.

Should the Aalimah even consider him. She has hope of doing amr bil maroof but fears marriage problems thereafter. Her grandfather (Allah enlighten his qabr) was a Shaikhul Hadeeth.

Choosing a spouse

Q: I am looking to get married. I am a 25 year old male. I recently went to see a girl and everything about her was good and I feel inclined to accepting her. From her end it is positive too. The only area which is causing me confusion is that although she wears a hijab that covers her hair, neck etc, she does not wear the full abaya. Is this permissible? Would it be permissable for me to marry her if this is the case. I am planning on having another meeting with her in her house in the meanwhile to clarify some more issues and will also ask if she intends to wear one, she did mention that she wants someone to marry who will encourage her in terms of deen. I have also been performing istikhara for over a week and it is all good except doubts on the above question. In my family there is no one that wears the abaya or niqaab, but my mum does wear hijab. I am also trying to encourage my sisters to wear one. 

Choosing a spouse

Q: There is a girl I really like so I told my parents about her and finally my parents met her family. Now the situation was to take the final call. I asked my parents about their opinion and they said that since they met the girl and her family just once they might not know much about her and they asked me to take a decision. They also said that they are neither opposing her nor forcing me to marry her but they mentioned one point saying that I might get a better girl considering the fact that the girl and her family has little less knowledge and teachings of Islam and they also said that they wouldn't have preferred the girl. But again they said that they are OK with the girl if I select to go with her. So I am really confused right now. I dont want to hurt my parents and I dont know if they get hurt if I decided to go with this girl. Please help me.

Obeying one's parents

Q: My mother and other people of my family and village forced me to marry a girl who is not of my choice. I like some one else. I am confused what shall I do. The girl I liked is ready to marry me with my new forceful wife in my life.

1. I want to ask that shall I go ahead and marry the girl of my choice?

2. I dont like my present forceful wife. Shall I divorce her or keep her?

3. The girl I like says she is ready to marry me with this condition but she thinks she will do a crime by this as she has a feeling that my relation with my forceful wife will be affected. I dont like my forceful wife and I dont have any relation with her.  Is the girl I like is right?

Choosing a spouse

Q: I was reciting many duas for getting married and finding a good spouse (like rabbi inni lima anzalta ilaiyya min khairin fakeer and innama ashku bassi wa huzni illallah) and I got a proposal a bit strangely. The mother of the boy saw me in the market and started asking my mother questions. Then they came to our house. They seem like very nice people. The problem is that Im still confused, the boy doesnt seem very relegious and he did his graduation from London so he is friends with all kind of people. We asked our imam of the masjid and he said that this proposal is good for me. I have performed istikhara for 7 days and didnt see any dream so mufti sahab asked me to offer 2 rakaht nafal prayer in which I would recite surah kosar 41 times in the first rakat and recite surah nasr 41 times in the 2nd rakaht. I read this nafal for almost 7 days and saw different dreams. One wasnt good and others were good but according to mufti sahab the bad one could be the evil dream but im extremely confused and worried. Please help me out as this decision is the biggest decision of my life and I dont want to regret later on.

How to look for a spouse


1. What is the correct way to find a man or a woman for marriage, according to the Sunnah?

2.  Who can visit their houses (of bride-to-be or groom-to-be)?

3. What are the qualities that are given more importance in them?

4. Is engagement function is allowed in Islam (that is exchanging ring)?

5. Is it prohibited in Islam to have oral sex?