reciting the qur'an

Reciting Qur'an in Salaah at home

Q: While reading through your fatwas I came across one topic that has drawn my attentions. The fatwa was about "Moving into a new home". At the end part of the article there was a statement which read as follows:-"Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (Radhiyallahu Anhu) has reported that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "A deserted house is one in which the Holy Qur'an is not recited."" I just wanted to know that, whether reading Namaz can be considered as recitation of Quran, as we read verses of the Holy Qur'an while performing salat itself?

Reciting the Qur'an even though one does not understand Arabic

Q: I am 18 years old and my father forces me to read Quran online for 1.5 hours every week at set times. I am busy in my studies so this is an annoyance to me and I think it's unnecessary because I have already finished the Quran and sill don't know it's meaning because I've never read it in English and I am reading it in Arabic again. Is this wrong of my father to force me into this? Is it minor shirk? 

Replying to salaam at the time of azaan, while eating or reciting Qur'an

Q: The Fuqaha have mentioned that at the time of tilawaat, azaan and eating, if salaam is made to a person then the salaam does not have to be returned. What is the hukam if a person returns the salaam at these times? Is there karaaha in a person doing so or will it be permissible to reply although the salaam does not have to be returned?