reciting the qur'an

Improving one's recitation of the Qur'an

Q: I am slowly learning tajweed and when I read the Qur'aan, I feel that where I need to pull the word for a few seconds and I don't pull long enough, or pull too long then I feel that I have to reread the word, or if I don't recite a word properly with tajweed or if I feel that I didn't read a word with tajweed then I have to reread the word. Sometime I feel that it is Shaytaan that is trying to confuse me and frustrate me. So I wanted to know that if I don't pull a word for the correct time or if I don't read a word with the correct tajweed then is it necessary to reread the word?

Reciting Qur'an while driving

Q: I read in seeratun Nabi that the worst person is he who reads the Quran without attention. I usually read three paras a day whilst driving, but most of the time my attention deviates. Should I read less and try to focus more? Will I be punished rather than receive reward for all the recitation without attention?

Making dua while reciting the Qur'an

Q: Whilst reading Qur'an, if a person knows Arabic and comes across an ayat where there's a command to glorify Allah or seek refuge with Him, and the person makes dua accordingly, do they have to recite ta'awwuz again before they resume the tilawat? Would the rulings be different if they made the dua in a language other than Arabic?