
Walking in front of a masbooq

Q: In a small Masjid, the Imam used a sutrah while leading the jamaat (it is a common practice in some places to do second or third jamaat if the main jamaat is missed). Is it permissible to pass in front of people who missed their rakaat with the Imam in these second/third jamaat are completing their prayers. Will they still be considered to be behind sutrah even if Imam has completed his own Prayer?

Will preventing someone from walking in front of one while performing salaah be considered amal-e-katheer?

Q: It is written in Behishti Gohar that it is allowed to prevent a person from crossing in front of him while he is praying. However, if 'عمل کثیر' happens, then the prayer will become fasid.

What will be considered عمل کثیر ? What should the musalli do to prevent the person from crossing him?

Walking in front of a musallee in a big jamaat khana

Q: I understand that if a person is in a Musjid-e-Kabeer, he may pass in front of a musallee, provided there is one saff or more between him and the musallee.

1. Does this rule also apply to a jamaat khana or a musalla that is equal in size to a Musjid-e-Kabeer or larger than it?

2. Does this rule apply in the sehn that is joined to the Musjid-e-Kabeer but is not regarded as part of the musjid?