Witr and Nawaafil

Witr Salaah

Q: Can you please brief me on the different ways to praying witr salaah? and what is the niyah we make for the first two rakaah when we pray two rakah then one rakaah witr. Moreover, is it okay after returning to standing form (after ruku) we raise our hand reciting Dua Qunut and make dua.

Masnoon qiraat in witr


1. My question is what surahs are the best to be read in witr? (I am referring to a Hanafi Madhad) Which or what surah is the best to recite in the first rakah, second rakah and in the last rakah.

2. Also is it permissible to perform one rakah witr after praying isha? And also is it permissible to perform 1 rakah witr in the dawn?


Q: When reading salaatul istikhara, can one ask if a certain thing will be a success if done? Is it a valid question to ask?