Ishraaq, Chaasht and Awwaabeen

The reward of Ishraaq Salaah

Q: I have a question regarding Ishraaq salaah. I noticed a Hadeeth mention something to the effect that whoever offers the Fajr salaah in congregation and then remains seated, remembering Allah until sunrise, and thereafter he performs two rak’ahs, he will receive the reward of one complete Hajj and one complete Umrah.

My question is directed at the part that says 'remains seated remembering Allah until sunrise'. In our masjid, there is a tafsir program that takes place at the back of the masjid after the salaah is over, so I do not remain seated in the same place. I also drop my father off at home thereafter. Will the reward still be the same if I come back to the masjid afterwards and wait until the sunrise comes to read the Ishraaq Salaah?

Tahajjud, Isharaaq, Chaasht and Awwaabeen Salaah


1. How many rakaats can I pray for Tahajjud, without including witr?

2. How many rakaats of Ishraaq can I pray, and when is the time for Ishraaq?

3. When is Chaasht prayer time if Zuhr is at 12:41? And how many rakaats should I pray for Chaasht Salaah?

4. As for Awwaabeen Salaah, how many rakkats can I pray?

Please include any mustahab surah’s that I should recite in the rakaats. e.g. For Ishraq first rakaat, recite Ayat-ul-kursi, and for the second rakaat, recite Surah Ikhlaas.