
Difficulty in practising on one's deen in the country one is residing in

Q: My question is that I came to KSA from Karachi two months back to my parents and I don't like it here at all. I am 23 years old and I lived all my life in Pakistan. I am used to the lifestyle of Pakistan. I tried to compromise and live here but I can't anymore! I pray regularly Alhumdulelah and believe that only Allah Ta'ala can help me. But my parents are not thinking about me. I didn't eat for 5 days but they're not bothered. They're giving excuses that we spent so much money to bring you here and now you want to go. I collected my money for exit visa and ticket also so that I don't burden them. I have my home back in Karachi and my elder brother lives there too. It is no problem if I go live there but my parents are making it a problem. I hav faith that if Allah wills, He can help me. No one else can stop me then! But sometimes I become weak and feel like committing suicide so that they can save their money properly! I am afraid I might do something wrong with myself.