qadha fast

Masturbating while fasting

Q: I am a Muslim boy of 15 years old. Last year in Ramadan while fasting I masturbated but stopped the ejaculation but it leaked. Secondly same Ramadan I did the same except semen did not come out. Please help me and tell me what is the ruling on both of these cases. Please note that I am 15 and do not have that much liability. 

Breaking a qadha fast

Q: I know that we can break a nafl fast if there is an 'uzr (excuse). For myself as a diabetic, I assume that an 'uzr could be when I get very low blood sugar values which makes life difficult for me if I don't eat.

1. Is it also permissible to break a qada fast if you have an uzr?

2. If so, would you have to make one or two qadas? (i.e. do you have to make up the original fast as well as the qada fast that you broke, or only the original fast?)

Qadha for not fasting

Q: I am a student aged 20 yrs old. I have missed a lot of fasts almost all during past months of ramadan except this one. With Allah's grace, I came very close to islam this year, praying regularly even the tahajjud prayer and fasting almost daily. I have read about the compensation of breaking fasts that is 60 foods for poors or 60 days fasting for 1 fast. As I am a student so I cant afford food for poor people so I fasted almost 4 months consecutively as a compensation for 2 fasts but then after some research I came to know that the compensation for fasting is only for those who "break" it by intercourse, eating e.t.c and not for those who "leave" them. For every fast a person left out of ignorance in past, he only have to fast 1 day for 1 fast. My question here is that, I have fasted 4 months with the intention (niyya) of compensation for 2 fasts but is it right that those fasts can be recorded as compensation for 4 months of fasting (1 fast for 1 day) so i have completed the compensation for 4 months of ramadan fasting that I have left in the past and not just the 2 days even if I don't have the intention of every fast to be for 1 fast i left before. 

Making up for missed fasts

Q: I'm a convert to Islam, Alhamdulillah, a couple of years I did not fast in Ramadhan because I had really bad aneamia and I was underweight and whenever I tried to fast, I started getting sick. Weak/headaches/nausea. So I couldnt fast. Alhamdulillah my health is better now, and past Ramadhan I did fast. How should I make up for the years of missed fast?

And secondly, if someone is fasting and begins feeling sick and weak, is it allowed to break the fast without sin?

Covering up for missed fasts

Q: I had 7 days that I needed to payback from Ramadan 2015 due to monthly menstruation. In Ramadan 2016 I missed paying back those 7 days and I did not participate in Ramadan 2016 because I traveled to Africa. For first time my intention was to pay back my fast there in Africa being the time would be less hours to fast and I usually leave it until 2 weeks prior to Ramadan. I was not able to fast or pay back missed fast because I found out I was pregnant and became sick with fever, nausea and no appetite. What do I do now that I have missed all those days of fasting and now I'm still having irregular bleeding on and off and I'm breastfeeding my 2 months old baby?