Calculating one's missed Salaahs
Q: I was calculating how many salaahs I have not read and it comes to 65 500.00 over 36 years. How do I correct?
Q: I was calculating how many salaahs I have not read and it comes to 65 500.00 over 36 years. How do I correct?
Q: It is permissible to offer Qadha salaah after 'Fajar' and 'Asar' prayer?
Q: I missed my Salaah when I was a musaafir. After coming back to my town, if I want to do qadha of the same, How many rakaats must I offer? Two or four?
Q: What is the fidya to pay for each missed salah if some body has not performed his qadha salah.
Q: I understand that one can pray only qadha prayers after fajr and asr, but no nawafil salah. In the case of praying qadha prayers after asr, what time should they stop praying? How many minutes before sunset as this time is haraam to pray?
Q: Qadha Salaah? Ya'nee when a person skipped Salaah without any legislative reason? Then in that case he is not to make up that Salaah. Likewise for a person who newly became Muslim, he does not have to make up previous years' Salaah. But Deobandees say otherwise. Please show us the Hadeeth if you are truthful.
Q: If I miss Isha salaah can I perform the Qaza for it on the next day. Similarly for others salaah as well, can it be performed on the next immediate day.
Q: Do you have to perform your qadha Salaahs in the order they were missed or can you perform 5 fajars and then 5 zuhars or like when ever you get time you will pray a fajar and if you have more time then you will pray an asar or zuhar that you missed?
Q: If a person passes away and we know that he had almost 30 years of missed Salaahs, how is it possible to pay fidya for that many missed prayers because it comes to more then twenty five thousand British pounds.
Q: I have a lot of years of qadha to pray. I try to do as many as I can after each salaah. I sometimes perform it on a chair. My question is can I sit on a chair and perfom my qadha Salaah when I get tired?