Qadha Salaah

Does one still have to make up for qadha salaah after performing hajj?

Q: If one has made Hajj and and during Hajj one made sincere taubah for missing previous salaah and since Hajj one has never missed another salaah, do you still have to repay your outstanding salaah that was incurred in the years before your Hajj? I am asking because I read that the person who performs Hajj emerges sinless (all sins forgiven) like a newborn baby, and sincere taubah was made for missing previous salaah. 

Qadha salaah


1. What are the conditions of a baaligha? I started having vaginal discharge at the age of 8, but only began praying and fasting at the age of 11, which is when I first got my period. Must I make up 3 years of prayers and fasts? If I had masturbated before having my first period, and do not recall excreting discharge with any coloration, was I baligh?

2. Can I make up prayers with intention of "this prayer or that"? I have some fajr prayers to make up for (I have no idea how many as I used to sometimes pray them at the time when one should not to sajdah).

3. I also have to make up 2 rakat nafl and sunnat prayers that become wajib when one breaks them, which I did often. So, when I am let's say doing maghrib prayer, for the last 2 rakats, can I make the intention of "either maghrib nafl, fajr fardh, or any wajib"?

Making up for salaahs missed while one was an apostate


1. As a youth, someone made an oath to not do something and they did it, they then fasted 3 days to expiate the oath (as they were unable to do anything else). Later that person apostatised from Islam but came back to the Deen. Do they have to redo the expiation for the oath broken? No oath was made since that time. 

2. Also, in terms of salah missed, are salahs missed over years must be made up by someone who Apostatised but later came back to the Deen?

Qadha Salaah

Q: I have done some stupid things like missing my Salah. I have missed Salah for few years since I became an adult but I also missed my Salah a lot when I had a job and I now I don't know the exact number of Salah I have missed. Do I need to make up all Salah I missed? I have a habit of recording the qaza Salah down and praying it at a later date. Alhamdulilah now I read all my Salah but what should I do about all the missed Salah?