How should a woman who experiences istihaaza perform her Salaah?
Q: Is it waajib or mustahab for a mustahaza to clean herself for each Salaah?
Q: Is it waajib or mustahab for a mustahaza to clean herself for each Salaah?
Q: Many persons due to medical reasons decide that they need to use a chair for Salah with Jamat and they do not consult a reputable scholar, thinking that a doctor's certification or a medical note is sufficient justification.
1. Is this rationale correct?
2. What is the status of a person's Salah in Shar'iah if he uses a chair for Salah when in fact he is not entitled to?
3. Exactly when is a person permitted to use a chair for Salah in Jamaat or otherwise?
Q: I am a Parkinson's disease patient. Parkinson's disease is ageing of the brain before time. I am now at a stage where I am unable to go to masjid, I pray at home and it is not easy. I keep having problems concentrating. On the days that my condition worsens my lips hardly move as I end up doing tilaawat in my heart. I sometimes forget which position I am in, usually forget what I have prayed. Often go to sleep and forget which rakah I am on. I try my best to repeat (sometimes until the end of salaat time) I feel helpless. Is my salaah valid? In the above situation could I perform my salaah lying down and how would I do this?
Q: How should a person perform Salaah if he has a back problem? Can he sit on a chair and perform Salaah? I was told that if he does not have a serious back problem and performs Salaah on a chair, his Salaah will not be valid. It this correct?
Q: I am 7 months pregnant and suffer from backaches and leg pains. Will it be permissible for me to sit and read salaah when the pain is very severe?
Q: A person who is unable to do ruku and sajdah and is praying the complete salah sitting on a chair,what is the sunnah and correct manner of doing ruku and sajdah?
Q: I wanted to ask on behalf of my mum. She reads namaaz and she reads while seated on a chair. She had a back operation and she can't bend down and her back has metal plates put in. Is it allowed that she does namaaz while seated on a chair with the musallah on the floor and performing namaaz with actions?
Q: My grandfather has alzheimer's. He forgets everything. He even does not remember how to perform Salaah. What is the mas'alah in this case? When ever we at home we make jammat for salaah so that he can perform his salaah but he even speaks in salaah.
Q: A person can't even perform namaz in the tashahud position due to kidneys aches. So is it possible to perform namaz on a chair in the direction of qibla ? What is the appropriate manner in this case?