Women's Salaah

Hafiza leading other women in Salaah

Q: In beheshti zewar it is mentioned that for a lady to be the Imam with another lady muqtadi is makrooh-e-tahrimi. A hafiza wants to make her Khatam in taraweeh Salaah in Ramadan, but her dohr is not strong and she needs someone to correct her mistakes. Will it still be makrooh for her sibling to read with her and correct her mistakes?

Women going to the Musjid

Q: I have heard that Women are now allowed to go to Mosque.

1) What is the Islamic law for Ladies to going to the Mosque?

2) Why Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) didn't prohibits women from coming to Mosque?

3) Did Hazrat Umar (Radhiallahu Anhuma) stop women from coming to mosque in his era?

4) If women are not allowed to go Mosque then why in European countries women go to mosque for Salaah and women also go to Majid-e-Nabwi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) for Salaah.

Women's Salaah

Q: I have read the book regarding womens salaah and would like clarity on a few issues. Please provide proofs from Quraan, hadith and the imaams jazakallah.

1) Why should a women place her hands on her chest in qiyaam?

2) Why should a women only touch her knees with her finger tips for ruku? The hadith that mentions the thief in salaat clearly says that its one who doesn't complete the postures. A women who just touches her knees in ruku is definitely not completing her ruku.

3) Why should a women place her elbows on the ground in sajda? The Ahaadith clearly instruct us not to prostrate like dogs and place our elbows on the ground, they can still draw their bodies close and keep the elbows off the ground.

Performing nafil Salaah in jamaat

Q: During Ramdhaan in the Haramain both at Makkah and Madinah they conduct Tahajjud namaaz in Jamaath during the last 10 days from 1 am to 2.30 am. Following this now a days the same method is being followed in mosques in our country (India) as well and also women participate in this congregation but of course in a enclosure segregated for women. Also now a days women attend Jummah namaaz in mosques on a regular basis. Please give your expert option on these two issues.