Women's Salaah

Women's Salaah

Q: Please tell me what is the correct way of doing sajdah for hanafi mazhab sunni muslim women? Some say there is no difference in the way of doing sajdah between men and women and some say that the elbows of the women should touch the ground and a woman should contract her body during sajdah. Please tell me what is the correct way of doing sajdah.

Making the toes face towards the qibla in sajdah

Q: When females pray salaah in a sitting position and in sajdah position is it sunnah for them to place the feet towards the right and also place the toes pointing towards the qiblah or it sunnah only to place the feet towards the right and the toes shouldn't face the qiblah? I was told that the toes should also point towards the qiblah but I am unable to find the reference?

Transparent burqa

Q: I would like to know what defines transparent according to Shar'iah. With regards to the burqa I wear for salaah if I put one layer in front of me I can see through it however when it is on my head the layer that falls in the back makes it dark. So one is unable to see through. Is it permissible to read salaah in such a burqa? If I wear it and stand in front of the mirror I am unable to see the shape of my hair or head in the mirror.