Various masaail of Salaah

Gargling one's mouth before Salaah


  1. A person in the state of Wudhu drinks some juice/fizzy drink/tea/coffee etc. Is it necessary to gargle the mouth before performing Salaah?
  2. A person in the state of Wudhu chews some bubblegum and thereafter spits it out. The taste still lingers in the mouth.Is it  necessary to gargle the mouth before performing Salaah? The bubblegum was chewed in order to remove odour from the mouth.

Making a sajdah out of Salaah

Q: In the hanafi mazhab, what is the status of making a single sajdah out of namaaz. I have seen many people do this. I have tried to explain to some that a single sajdah should not be made rather a coplete 2 raka'aat should be read but they don't understand. The reply they give is, "I cannot make a sajdah of shukr?" Should they still be told? And if so, how should they be explained?

Performing Salaah in multi faith prayer rooms

Q: Is it permissable to pray in multi faith prayer rooms, such as the ones they usually have at airports? These rooms are mostly used by Muslims but also some non-Muslims use them for praying and apart from Islamic material they also contain bibles and books of other religions. The question came to my mind since, if I remember it correctly, we are not allowed to enter into buildings of worship of other religions?