Various masaail of Salaah

Makeshift Salaah facility

Q: Our work has a makeshift prayer room with a toilet and hand basin in it - is this acceptable? The room is alongside the female toilets and a meeting room and noises carry through the wall into the prayer room - is this a problem? I use a disabled toilet close to the prayer room (10 metres) and have used a plastic bottle for cleansing. The company has taken the bottle away as they say it is a safety problem. I suggested they instal a hand held bidet (like a shower hose) to remove safety problem.  But they want me to use another disabled toilet that is further away (more than 50 metres and through many doors) because they don't want to upset disabled people. How far away should cleansing be from the prayer room?

Adjusting the namaaz postures on account of the microphone

Q: I have noticed that in certain Masaajid, where a protruding mic is used as compared to the clip-on mic, the Imam swerves in a crescent like motion as he proceeds from Qiyaam into Ruku. Again, when he returns from ruku, this swerve, clear and deliberate, like a crescent motion , is repeated, again, when he proceeds into Sajda and when eventually returning to Qiyaam, in each and every Rakaat, whenever moving in or out of Qiyaam, this swerve motion is clear and deliberate and apparent. In Some Masaajid, the protruding mic which is positioned lower for the sajda also requires this additional deliberate swerve motion too so this is a new but clear and deliberate 'additional swing motion' to avoid hiting the mic, which has been specifically positioned directly in front of his mouth. Although his chest does not move from the direction of Qiblah at all, this does seem like a new, foreign and additional motion in Salaah. Please comment in general as well as specifically whether this affects the value and or validity of this Jamaat salaah, as it is a 'new norm' of Salaah adopted by the Imam out of necessity, to avoid hitting the mic as he moves from one position of Salaah to another.

Digital prayer mats which count the number of rakaats

Q: What is your opinion on this:

It shows the rakats prayed on near the place of the sajdah, so the one praying can see the number of rakats he has prayed. But according to hanafi fiqh reading and understanding such as from a piece of paper during salaah is makruh? I heard in a lecture that Aisha radiAllahu anha would switch her ring from finger to finger to keep the rakaats in record. And also the qawl of Ibrahim an Nakhai that there is no harm in doing so. True?