Conditions for Jumuah Salaah

Performing Jumuah Salaah in a small town

Q: The brothers of a certain town wish to commence having jumua at the musalla of the said town. Before giving permission we wish to first ascertain whether the town fulfills the requirements of having jumua. The town has approximately 1000 homes, more than 10 shops which include few hardware stores and 1 big supermarket, a clinic, school, post office and a taxi rank, all within the town. There is no police station but a police station is planned for the future. Approximately 40 brothers will attend the jumua. Please inform as to whether jumua will be permissible or not.

Performing Jumuah at school

Q: We are an Islamic school in India. We offer Dhuhr salaat in our campus in congregation. Our school plans to start Juma Salaat in the school taking safety and security into consideration so that the students need not go out to the mosque for Namaaz. The nearest mosque is around 200 metres from our school. Can we offer Juma Salaat at our school with proper Khutbah of a Imaam?

Second Jumu'ah

Q: My friends and I missed the ju'umah Salaah in the mosque which was at 2:00pm. My friends were almost 15 in number and we decided to pray at the school mosque but we didn't pray zuhr, but jumu'ah and our Imam even made the khutba. I then went home and told someone and he told me that we didn't do the right thing by praying ju'umah instead of praying zuhr. What do you think?

Jumuah Salaah in other places besides a Musjid

Q: Bahishti Zewar chapter about the Jumu’ah and Eid Salaah: "To offer jumu'ah salaat openly and with full permission. It will not be permissible to offer jumu'ah salaat in any private and secluded place. If jumu'ah salaat is offered at such a place where the general public is not allowed to come or the doors of the musjid are closed at the time of jumu'ah, the salaat will not be valid." 

Can we offer the jumuah salaat in a place other than a musjid? 

Jumuah in a school

Q: I work in a school, o​n Fridays we do Jumma salaat with jam'at.  Some people have said that our Jumma is not correct because (a) the general public can't attend the salaat (even though any staff or pupils who wish to pray are able to attend). (b) There are not enough people (we usually get about 10 people besides the Imam). 

My question is that is our jumma salaat correct or is it better for us to pray zohar namaz with jamat instead. What is the minimum number of people we need (besides the Imam) for the jumma salaat to be correct?