The Jumuah Khutba

Jummah Khutbah


  1. In the Jumma Khutbah is it Sunnah to recite Taawwuz and Tasmiya before reciting the verse of the Quran?
  2. In the Jumma Khutbah when reciting the verse of the Quran is it Sunnah to recite the verse of the Quran with Tajweed (with gunna and mad etc)?
  3. When reciting the Arabic Khutbah in Jumma should the Arabic be recited with Tajweed and is it Sunnah to recite the Arabic with Tajweed?

Method of ascending the mimbar?

Q: Is there a sunnah or recommended method of ascending the mimbar? Because I see some people ascend each step with their right foot and then turn around on the last step, while others walk up with both left and right feet, and still others walk up backwards. So has the `ulama mentioned anything in this regard?