Multiple Jumuah Salaahs

Imaam performing two jumuahs in one musjid

Q: In our Masajids there are two Friday Prayers are being held. And one Iman leads the both Salah in terms of delivering the Khutabas and as well leading the salah. As we understand Juma is only Fard once not twice. Could you please help us to understand whether this is allowed or not, and give us some detail explanations in terms of it's validity. We would like to share your explanations with the local scholars. 

Performing multiple Jummah Salaahs in one Musjid

Q: Is it permissible to perform multiple Friday (Jummah) Jamaats/congregation due to lack of space here in West? The masjids are far away and are small so cannot hold many people, due to which they perform multiple jamaats, so is it permissible? Also please tell us what if the same Imam who performed the first jamaat also performs the second Jamaat as well? Would the second prayer be valid? Please tell us about praying Friday in a masjid where the Khutbah is given in English instead of Arabic? I cannot find any masjid in our area where they give the khutbah in Arabic? Will the prayer be valid?

Performing two Jumuah Salaahs in one Musjid

Q: Due to employment or education, people may not be given permission and/or will not be able to perform Jum'ah Salah at the standard Jamat time in the Masjid. Hence, in summer, a later Jum'at takes place (late afternoon) in the same Masjid so that people do no not miss Jum'ah altogether? 

(a) Is it permissible to organise a second Jum'ah Jamat in the same Masjid where one Jum'ah Salaah has already taken place?

(b) If not, please explain why?

(c) If this is not permissible, are there any alternative solutions or should one ensure that, come what may, they attend the Jum'ah Salah which takes place at the standard time?