
Flowing blood

Q: About blood and wounds.

1. If I see blood stopped flowing from a wound can I perform wudu and salah knowing that either during wudu or during salah due to dabbing the wound blood will start flowing again?

2. I guess the same ruling applies to the case when blood wasn’t flowing but was on the top of the wound before salah and wudu?

3. If I don’t put any plaster on top of wound and perform salah, is it ok if blood is dabbed does it invalidate my salah?

4. if I don’t use any plaster and blood dabs my clothes during salah, is my salah valid, I mean is blood in this case najasa? Or salah is valid but clothes to be washed for next salah?

Please kidnly reply to each question, as I don’t use plasters, they have this glue on them which then has to be washed good for next wudu and I try to avoid it, I also don’t have them always around. Napkin is not possible to secure good always, so is it ok not to put anything on a wound and let the blood be dabbed and let the close be dabbed for this salah and wash them for another? What is the ruling here, I honestly don’t understand what breaks wudu, what breaks salah when it comes to blood and wounds? Kindly try to be detailed and precise in answers, because general answers create more questions sometimes.

Small white pimples

Q: Sometimes I have these white things on my face, like bubbles with white pus inside. They come for few days and go. What I noticed happening is some of them I see before sleeping and not anymore when I make wudu for fajr.

1. Does it mean they exploded during a night, because obviously then cant dry and fall out as a dry skin during a night and does it mean my pillowcase has to be changed, my face and hair has to be washed, is it all najasa?

2. I think many people can have them in different places of their bodies, back, leg, hips, etc. do we have to check and track their condition all the time to see if we r in najasa or can just forget in shaa Allah? Example I had a pain on my back knowing its from a red spot that can have pus in it, must I stand and check if there is a pus in the middle of a nap to see what is the condition in the morning, should I bath or no if I see no pus in the morning?

3. Does explosion of this pus break wudu?

4. Sometimes this pus inside is not liquid but hard, may be its other kind of spots, I don’t know, but would like to ask if I scratch that hard ball (pus) out of its place, does wudu break?


Q: I have sometimes frequent discharges. Once I found it out that there was nothing on my pad, but with a mirror I saw the discharge exiting the private part. Other time after wudu I took a mirror to check and saw inside white liquid discharge that was about to flow out, meaning had I not check it and made salah immediately after wudu I would make it with discharge out of the private parts. I have some questions here.

1. If I suspect the discharge to be in contact with my pad because it is at the edge of vagina, even if the discharge didn’t have time to fall to the pad – can I consider the pad clean or have to change it for salah?

2. After those episodes above, even if I see my pad clean sometimes I always have doubts if the discharge is at the edge of my vagina or even exited it. Do I have to really walk with a mirror and check it in my situation or what is the ruling here?

3. If I made my wudu and feel some movements in vagina like air or discharge, but not sure, do I have to take a mirror and check or can ignore? I am afraid that my salah will be void. By the way, is air coming from vagina breaking wudu?

4. If I check myself with a mirror and see some discharge is inside but not yet out, but about too. If I make my salah, do I have to check after salah if the discharge is out and I need to redo my salah?

5. As in 4. when I see discharge is about to flow I skip sunnas (except fajr), because I am the only Muslim at home and I don’t want my non-Muslim family to say that I spend a lot of time in toilet and only worshipping Allah. Is it ok in shaa Allah or I am trying to escape Allah’s test?