
Performing Salaah with a wound


  1. I had a scratch on my knee which I thought was almost healed. However, at the end of the day, I noticed many small spots (which I assume was discharge from the wound) on my pants and kurta around the knee area. I do not know when this occurred, but it is likely that some of the discharge occurred while performing sajdah. Do I have to repeat all salaah/tilaawat for that day?
  2. If one covers a wound with a bandage, and blood may or may not flow onto the bandage, would it be permissible to perform salaah in that condition, or does one have to be certain that the bleeding has stopped?
  3. Referring to (2), can one lead the salaah in that condition?

Wudhu breaking through touching one's wife according to the Shafi'ee mazhab

Q: A shafi follower makes wudhu according to Shafi'ee fiqh and then mistakenly touches his wife without any piece of cloth in between, and this person knows that according to the Hanafi maslak his wudhu did not break and goes and prays fardh salah according to Shafi'ee fiqh without renewing the ablution (to make his life easy). Will his Salaah be valid as he is basically a Shafi'ee. Note that he does not do this all times it occurs very rarely?

Blood remaining within the circumference of the wound

Q: After shaving my private area there are very small cuts like little pricks. When I dab them with a tissue sometimes a little dot of blood appears and sometimes not. After making ghusl I apply oil to my body including private area I cannot be certain if it is bleeding after ghusl or not and if I have smeared the blood or not. Does it matter if it is smeared or not,the cut is like a prick of a pin and only a small dot of blood appears sometimes when I dab it.

Doubting if one broke his wudhu

Q: I was doing wudu, I stopped because I felt the need to break wind, so I did that and sometimes when standing, it can feel like it is between the thighs, so I squatted briefly to expel trapped wind. Started doing wudu again and somewhere in it, I felt a bubble, not sure what it was though and I don't think it came out of me, I think it was from my thighs and I don't think I heard or smelt anything, just had the feeling of a bubble escaping from my thighs. I just ignored it and prayed. I had doubts about it but it was maghrib so I convinced myself I was in wudu and prayed, but now I don't know.

Finding a spec of paint on one's face after Salaah

Q: I performed asr once, broke my wudoo, went downstairs and the banisters of the stairs have paint bits that come off onto your hands [not wet paint, its like white specks that come off] and then I made wudoo' and went back upstairs using banisters, prayed and when I finished after a short while of being in my room I looked in the mirror and noticed a small speck on my eyelid and this speck doesn't really take much to take off, even a rub does it and now what do I do? Do I assume my prayer's valid as it could have been either times, but most likely the speck would have come off in wudoo as you wash your face three times?