

Q: I would like to know if when a person is on dialysis (haemodialysis) where your blood comes out goes into a machine gets filtered an returns to your body. Does this break your wudhu?

Pus flowing out of the wound

Q: I have a graze on my front private part, a bit of skin came off. There is now a build up of water\pus there. The water\pus stayed within the wound and I prayed Asr and Maghrib with the same wudu. I prayed Esha late and when I checked the wound I noticed the water/pus had flowed beyond the wound. I can't be sure if it soaked through my underwear and onto my trousers. I just changed my underwear but wore same trousers to pray. I can't be fully sure it soaked through. I just changed them due to precaution. I have these doubts always.

Masah of the head

Q: When making wudhu, how should the fingers be positioned during masah of the head? I have heard some ulama saying masah of head should be made with all 5 fingers with an open hand, or some say masah of head should be made with 3 fingers (middle ring and baby fingers). Please advise.

White discharge of women

Q: Could Mufti Saab please advise me on the following masaail regarding the normal (whitish/yellowish) discharge of a woman which she has no control over and which is experienced many times in a day.

1.Will it break her wudhu?

2. Will her wudhu break each time she experiences it even if it occurs 5 times in one salaam time?

3. When will her clothing be regarded as impure?

4. If wudhu does break each time and she was under the impression that the rule of this discharge is the same as the rule of a mazoor will she have to read qadhaas for all the salaahs she may have read in this condition (even when some Ulamaa are of the opinion that this discharge will not break her wudhu)?

5.If Mufti Saab's opinion is that her wudhu will break, how should she maintain radhaa with this fatwah (as it is very difficult to make wudhu so often)?

Women's discharge

Q: With regard to the discharge ( clear / white in colour) that a female experiences during her tuhur period:

1. Does she have to make a fresh wudhu for each salaah time if she does not experience discharge at each salaah time. Sometimes even a day will pass with
no discharge.

2. Does the discharge have to be removed at each Salaah?