Does the sunnats of the masjid and reward for performing salaah in the masjid apply to a musallla?
Q: I have recently moved into an area that has a musallah, but not a masjid. The musallah is 1.1 km from my house and the nearest masjid is 3.8km.
1. Are the etiquettes and sunan of a masjid applicable to a musallah i.e. should one recite the duas for entering and leaving a masjid, make niyah for itikaaf, enter with the right foot etc.
2. Will one accrue the same reward for performing salaah in a musallah as one would in a masjid?
3. If not, is it advisable to perform salaah in the musallah or make the extra effort to attend the masjid?
Any other additional information regarding the differences between a masjid and musallah will be greatly appreciated insha-Allah.