Laws pertaining to the Musjid

Does the sunnats of the masjid and reward for performing salaah in the masjid apply to a musallla?

Q: I have recently moved into an area that has a musallah, but not a masjid. The musallah is 1.1 km from my house and the nearest masjid is 3.8km.

1. Are the etiquettes and sunan of a masjid applicable to a musallah i.e. should one recite the duas for entering and leaving a masjid, make niyah for itikaaf, enter with the right foot etc.

2. Will one accrue the same reward for performing salaah in a musallah as one would in a masjid?

3. If not, is it advisable to perform salaah in the musallah or make the extra effort to attend the masjid?

Any other additional information regarding the differences between a masjid and musallah will be greatly appreciated insha-Allah.

Musjid Open Days

Q: Is it permissible to have a musjid open day where non-Muslims are invited to the musjid with the intention of dawah and presenting Islam to them? In today’s times, we find that this practice is becoming common in various places. Is this practice in conformance with the sunnah?

Masjids built for collective worship

Q: Those that advocate continuing closure of the Masajid, even for individual worship pose 3 questions:

1. Is it permissible to use the lighting in the Masjid for times other than when collective worship takes place?

2. Did Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam encourage individual at home or the Masjid?

3. Are Masjids built for collective or individual worship?

These 3 points or questions rather are being used to promote the continuing closure of the Masajid. Are these valid points? I suspect they are not, and have some proofs, but I can’t be certain if they are correct.

Selling a musjid

Q: My query is about a land of 22 marlas in the name of my brother which we want to sell and that piece of land has a 2 storey building on it. We were running a school there for almost 20 years. In the building we have a 1 marla mosque in the corner properly built with a mehrab and now due to some financial reasons we want to sell the building. But due to the mosque in the corner, nobody seems to buy that building as it requires an extra attention. In the name of what to do with that cause it covers 25% of front look.

First we thought that no azaan is given properly in the mosque and nobody comes to that mosque because it is closed after school hours so we should consider it a piece of land too and sell it. But when I asked my ancestor about it then she told me that this mosque is here from day one when my grandfather bought this land about 25-30 years ago (we changed its location from left to right corner and built a proper masjid) and this 1 marla of land is devoted for the mosque. So now we cant touch this land and are bound not to sell it but we also can not separate this piece of land from the whole property.

We are in desperate need of money so we have to sell it. If we would sell it and build a mosque of the same area in another spot after receiving the amount of that piece of land or give this money to any mosque or any well fare trust or something will it be ok?

Do the laws of a musjid apply to a musalla?

Q: A flat has been purchased and made Waqf as a musalla. The five daily Salaah as well as Jumuah Salaah have been established at the musallaa and the musalla has an appointed Imaam. The musalla has access for musallees from outside the building to attend Salaah.

1. When entering such a musalla, does one read the Duaa for entering a musjid and can one make the intention of nafl i'tikaaf? Similarly, at the time of leaving, does one recite the dua for leaving a musjid?

2. Can a person in the state of janaabat enter such a musalla?

3. Will it be permissible for people to make their own jamaat Salaah at the musalla before or after the main jamaat?

4. In the last ten days of Ramadhaan, can sunnat i'tikaaf be made in such a musalla? If not, can a person living in the vicinity of the musalla remain in the musalla during the last ten days for the purpose of secluding oneself for ibaadat, as there is no musjid in the immediate vicinity of his home?

5. The trustees wish to make it a musjid. Will this be possible whilst the rest of the flats, including the flats above and below the musalla are privately owned? (The flats are sectional title.)