
Tableegh Jamaat

Q: Does the verse "you are the best nation raised for mankind..." refer to going out for 3 days and 40 days etc. Why does the tabligh jamaat use this verse and give it a meaning that Allah Ta'ala did not intend?

Discarding or burning papers that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala, etc.


1. How should we discard the papers/school books/note books having words written like Allah, Allah's names or ayahs etc.?

2. Which words need to be given respect and removed from before throwing away the books? Are the words Quran, Rasool, Nabi, Muhammad or any Surah's name to be discarded with respect?

3. If we burn them, can the ash be thrown anywhere?

Reciting a surah or aayaat equivalent to a surah in Salaah

Q: I believe that in a book I read titled, Laws of salah, written by Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadari Razavi (Dawat-e-Islami) it said on the hundred and fifth page these following words:-

'After you finish surah Fatihah, utter amin in a low volume and then recite either three short ayahs or one long ayah that is equivalent to three short ayahs or any surah such as surah Ikhlas.'

I had a query based on the last line of this paragraph. When it quotes, 'or any surah,' do you think that this is implying that after surah Fatihah has been recited you can recite another surah, or is it suggesting that after surah fatihah you can recite an ayah that is equivalent to another surah, or do you think that it can be referring to both?

Understanding the verses of the Qur'an in their correct context

Q: Kindly guide me if ayat 53 of surah 39 being read alone without combining with ayat 54 gives a wrong notion of unconditional forgiveness from Haq Ta'ala, which is actually not the case and reform towards right path and leaving of deliberate sinning is a must for expecting His forgiveness. When ayat 53 alone is recited or explained in public, it sort of copies other religions prevailing preaching that do what you may, God is merciful. Similarly our religion is being pushed into the same concept of continue living a life of sins but along with also pray and fast and do pilgrimages and everything will be forgiven.