
Cutting nails after sunset

Q: I am living in India, Mumbai. I am hearing from my childhood that its not good to cut nails after sunset or maghrib, it is not good or something bad will happen. Is it really so in Islam or anything mentioned in Islam about the timings of cutting the nails. I usually prefer cutting my nails on Friday mornings but sometime I am unable to do so because I have to leave early for work in morning and till I come home back its almost maghrib or sunset. What to do please suggest/can I cut nails after sunset or maghrib?


Q: While I was in Johannesburg recently we were invited to a "Ghadat". I wanted to attend but my wife refused to, as she comes from a well known family of learned Scholars and they don't attend such gatherings. I, myself, have never yet attended a Ghadat. What is the purpose of such a gathering and is it allowed in the Shariah?

Going to dargaahs

Q: We used to go to dargah many years ago (me and my parents) and do all the things which are against the teachings of Islam and we used to bow down at the grave there and then at that time our aqidah was like the person in the grave will act as a intercessor between us and Allah (which is not true) as said to me by mother. As far as I know, this is kufr and takes one out of the fold of the Islam and I am not married but my parents were married so their nikah too gets invalidated and nikah has to be renewed and we used to go many times to the dargah so if we do this kufr three times within one menstural cycle does three divorces take place? I would like to know the status of my parents nikah and I can't dare to tell all these things to my parents and they don't know all these things because if I tell them either they won't believe or they will get mad at me. Even the same situation is with my grand parents all I want to do is to renew both of their nikaahs but I don't know how to proceed please advice me.

Celebrating the Bangaali new year

Q: We live in Dubai. As a cultural practice, every year on Pohela Boishakh (14th April), our women only, from 20 families gather in any of our houses to welcome the new Bengali year. All of them cook different dishes, bring and eat together. Panta Ilish is the main item in the menu. In this get-together they not only do chit-chat but also discuss various religious topics to grow awareness and enhance knowledge. Some sisters bring books of Hadith and read, others listen. This year from some sources e.g. TV program etc, some women came to know that celebration of New Year is not permitted in Islam. As get together was decided already, instead of cancelling the program they changed the date and arranged get together on a later date. In this context, if you could answer us the following: Is the get together / celebration on Bengali New year haram? Should Muslims avoid it completely? What sort of Gunah it is – kabirah or Sagirah? · Instead of celebrating the day on a particular date can we arrange gathering on some other date? · Arranging get-together on Bengali New year at a particular date (14th April) and another day (say 15th April)- will both have the same Gunah?


Q: Is celebrating Shab-e-Baraat a Bidah? Some people offer special night prayer (Salaah) and do fateha. What are the Islamic rulings regarding this?

Moving into a new home

Q: I am moving into my new house which has just been renovated. I called a Shaikh for dua and food and I have also fed my immediate family members and neighbours on that day. Is this bid'at? I am a bit worried. I have been correcting my intention doing it to please Allah and not to please makhlooq. What should I do immediately after entering the home? Me and my wife were thinking of performing two rakaat of Salaah and making dua, then reciting Qur'an and making ta'leem of fazail. Can you please advise.