
Deducting long terms debts in one's zakaat calculation

Q: A person took a loan of R5 million from the bank which is payable over 10 years. R500 000 is payable every year of the principle debt as well as R50 000 interest.

1) When calculating zakaat, will one deduct the entire amount of R5 million as his debt or only the amount payable for the current year of R550 000 (R500 000 principle and the R50 000 interest)?

2) Does one include the interest owing as part of his debts for the zakaat calculation?

Zakaat on cash buffer in a property trust

Q: A trust was formed and a property was purchased for investment purposes. Shareholders bought into the investment. A portion of the net rental are distributed to the shareholders and a portion of this net rental is held back in the trust as a cash buffer for unforseen events (e.g. Unforeseen expense). What is the zakaat implications on the cash buffer held back in the property trust?

Zakaat on crops

Q: We got a land as inheritance from my father: a portion of which he inherited from his mother and the rest of the land was purchased by my father from his heirs i.e my uncles. His mother also received the land as inheritance.

Zaid is living on this land and whatever vegetables, crops are grown there, I am responsible for providing the seeds and other expenses. Zaid looks after them, sells them in the market and then the profit is distributed as a 50 percent share. From the 50 percent that we receive, it is further divided into 8 parts, one part is received by 3 sisters and my mother each. While 2,2 parts belong to me and my brother.

Previously rainfall was the source of water for this land but almost 6 months ago we purchased a motor to draw water from the small natural water stream that passes through the land. The land is not plain, instead it has many small hills in it so the irrigated portion is quite less. Sometimes I get only a little portion of vegetables that cannot be sold so its used at home.

I want to inquire how to give ushar on the produce from this land?

Zakaat on a fish farm


1. I have a fish farm. How do I pay zakaat on it ? Do I have to pay zakaat on the amount of fish I have purchased for or do I have to pay on the current market price of all the fish I have?

2. What if most of the fish died and I am unable to know the exact amount of fish in the farm?