
Zakaat on fruit trees, bee hives, solar panels and cattle purchased as an investment

Q: I would like to enquire about a few zakaat issues:

1. How much zakaat needs to be paid on fruit trees, which have been purchased as an investment?

2. How much zakaat needs to be paid on a bee hive, which has been bought as an investment?

3. Is a solar panel, which has been bought as a form of a money making investment, a zakaatable item - and if so: how do I calculate Zakaat on it?

4. How much zakaat needs to be paid on a business venture which entails investing in a cattle feedlot? The money invested goes into purchasing cattle and providing feed for the cattle for 4 months and then selling them off. Investors do not own specific cattle but buy a share of the total cattle.

Calculating zakaat

Q: I have a question on zakat.

I was supposed to give my zakat this year Ramadan 2020 But till August I have not paid my zakat on gold jewellery of my wife, as I am paying on her behalf. The other zakat on my bank balace I have paid.

Now my questions are:

1. The value of gold in April 2020 in Ramadan in which I calculated my zakat every year was farz, and at that time the value of gold in India was less and not due to lock down or other reason the value of gold has shot up very high. So will I weigh the gold jewellery and pay zakat on the total value of gold 2.5% in the new rate of gold which is in August 2020 or will I have to pay zakat 2.5% on the rate of gold which was in April 2020 in Ramadan this year.

2. Will my wife be liable to pay zakat or I can pay on her behalf from my bank balace?

3. I had some gold jewelley which I purchased few years back and I purchased some jewellery in August 2020 when I married. Now my zakat date every lunar year is on 27 Ramadan. So this year 2020 Ramadan was in April-May 2020. So the jewellery which I purchased in August 2019 last year has not completed 1 (one) complete lunar year so will I calculate my zakat on the particular jewelley or will I calculate after August 2020 as it will complete full one lunar year. But my zakat date is in Ramadan, either I have to take out the zakat on full jewellwey this year 2020. Or I have to pay my the zakat on the particular jewellery which I purchased in 2019 the following year i.e. 2021 in Ramadan. But then it will be over one year for this particular jewelley which I purchased in August 2019. What should I do?

4. Some gold jewelley is of 21 carat and some are of 24 carat so will I have to pay zakat on their differnt value or I have to just weigh it all as one and pay the zakat 2.5% on the total gold jewellery?

5. How would I know that zakat has become farz or wajib upon me? How much money in Rupees do I have to have so that I become saahib e nisaab. Whether it is 20,000/- or 50,000/- or what amount? What is the mark? I am asking the nisab in relation to indian money in Rupees. Not the value of gold or silver as I heard that if one has 612.36 gm of silver or 87.48 gm of gold one is called saahib e nisaab. Suppose I have cash in bank Rs 30,000/- (thirty thousand) - indian money and I have gold jewelley a small ring, a nose pin small, and a silver anklet so now how do I know that I am a saahib e nisaab. As I do not have of silver nor do I have 87.48 gm of gold. How do I calculate zakat on this. It is very confusing. 

Zakaat on a debt that is payable after a long period of time

Q: Zaid and Ahmad are partners in a business. Zaid wishes to sell his share to his partner for R10 million. The payment terms agreed upon are that half the amount will be paid cash and the other half will be paid AFTER 48 months in 12 equal monthly installments. In other words, for the first 48 months there will be no installment paid. The question refers to the zakaat obligation during this time. Is Zaid liable to pay zakat on the R5 million owing to him during these 48 months?

Reward for making an intention to give sadaqah multiple times during the day

Q: Through out the day I keep on making intention that I will give one pence of sadqah and keep the record of how many times I've said it on my notes in my phone. At the end of the day I've recorded that I've made intention of giving sadqah of 1 pence 98 times and then at the end of the day I give £0.98 in sadaqah just once.

I just want to know, do I get separate reward 98 times for making intention and writing it down as sadqah or do I get only one reward when I donate that 98 pence together at the end of the day? Is this bidah

Wasting food and helping people


1. Is it permissible to throw +/- 10 tons of wheat and rice in the middle of the sea from a boat as food for sea creatures, even though we know that a vast majority of humans are hungry. What does Islām say?

2. I heared a Hadith saying that a person has to fulfill the needs of other persons,

My question is that, how to avoid and discourage people from asking or does one have to fulfill their requirements?