Lillah and charity

Misusing funds donated for a specific purpose

Q: There is a Moulana running a school for special needs children. The school was renting a premises and were looking to purchase a property. 

The Moulana told me a property was identified which would be suitable for the school. I donated 1 million rand for the purchase of the house. 

Few days later I found out that the Moulana gave the money to Hawala people as an investment. I therefore went to him and asked for the donation back as he did not use the money for what I gave (and it was clear that it was for the property). 

The Moulana confirmed my finding but said the school will get returns and I cannot get my money back because it's like I'm licking my vomit to ask for it back in light of the Shariah. 

I did not make him the owner of the money. Rather he was supposed to purchase a property with it which he did not do. I would like to know if I can demand my money back in light of the Shariah and use it in for another Lillah project.

Sadaqah of a murtad

Q: I wanted to enquire if Iman (faith) is a necessary condition for purification of wealth (giving in charity, to purify one's wealth, without expectation of reward)? 

If a person does not identify as Muslim anymore, and has apostatized, and does not believe in the religion (does not believe Islam is from God but instead that it is man-made), but still believes in the financial aspects of Islam (eg: giving in charity and purifying any ill-wealth), would his purification of wealth be considered valid (as he is not a Muslim)? 

Would he need to repeat this purification of wealth (whatever sums of money he gave in charity with the intention of purifying his wealth) if he does tawbah and returns to Islam?