
Calculating zakaat on investments

Q: I have invested some money in a telecoms company through a family member. The shares are not available to the general public and only to employees, and the family member is one of the employees. He does not have any control or say in the company as he is a minority shareholder. Please advise how I should go about calculating zakaat. The company is not a Muslim owned company.

Zakaat on property

Q: I adopted Islam three years back and have married a Muslim man. I want to know issues related to zakaat. I own a house and land which I purchased when I was a Hindu and was married to a Hindu man but after his death I married a Muslim man and adopted Islam. Is zakaat waajib on this property?

I am also looking after financially my husband's first wife and his children who live in a separate house. Almost half of my salary is spent on them every month as my husband is not financially sound. I want to know that is zakaat waajib on my monthly income?