
Zakaat on Kruger coins

Q: Please advise me on whether zakat is payable on the selling price of a kruger coin or on the market value of an ounce of gold. The selling value of a kruger coin is more than the value of an ounce of gold although the kruger coin weighs an ounce.

When is zakaat due?


  1. When must I pay my zakaat? Is it during a specific month or at any time?
  2. When working out my zakaat, do I only consider the gold/silver and cash that I have at that specific time or does it work in cycles?

The correct avenue of Zakaat

Q: Can zakat-ul-maal be spent on musjid expenses, neighbours, people of other faiths, fi sabillillah when there are poor Muslims, orphans, reverts with no means to feed or pay for health expenses in the global Muslim ummah? Can zakaat funds be used to purchase a Lamborghini or a Honda for a Duke or Prince of London under the clause ' mending hearts, bringing hearts together or fi sabillillah'. I'm not Robin Hood but I think I can see right through the answer. I interpret Surat tawbah chapter 9 verse 60 in the sequence in which it was revealed, poor ones before others. But some people prefer to spend the money on their 'bethrons', emphasising on 'mending hearts' and others would like to spend it first on the travellers. I think there should be a separate intention for friends, neighbours, people of other faiths, travellers, musjid renovation, relieving debt and a separate fund for the poor, orphans, reverts, and zakaat workers basic needs. If the zakaat worker's salary exceeds the zakat ul maal, then the purpose of zakaat to the poor and the orphaned is defeated. I need the opinion  of our dear Mufti on this.

I hope and pray that I haven't offended anybody, these are hard times and funds need to be spent carefully to earn more good deeds, sawaab.
Clearly the needs of the poor and the orphaned and the ostracised reverts and the families of zakaat workers should not be overlooked in our intentions. May Allah forgive me if I'm wrong. May my brothers and sisters in The ummah and other faiths forgive me if I'm wrong.

Zakaat related questions

Q: I had a couple of questions about Zakat:

  1. I became saahib-e-nisaab in Rabi-al-Awwal. However in order to gain the blessings of Ramadan I wanted to give my zakat during that month. In 1433 I gave my zakat funds in Rabi-al-Awwal as per my cycle, and in Ramadan 1433 (same year) I gave zakat on the estimated amount I would have in the following year- Rabi-al-Awwal 1434 (which I then verified in Rabi-al-Awwal to ensure the full zakat had been discharged based on the actual amount I had).  Is it now possible for me to switch my zakat cycle to every Ramadan? Or if I have to pay in Ramadan, do I still have to calculate it each year based on the projected amount for the next Rabi-al-Awwal?
  2. My brother and mother had asked me to pay Zakat to someone on their behalf and then they would transfer the funds later. I made the payment and then we later forgot to do the transfer and I just came across the amounts in a note I made back then. I don't really want to take the money from them money now - would their obligation be fulfilled if I paid the zakat on their behalf from my money and didn't take it from them?

Difference between zakaah, fitrah and sadaqah

Q: I am listening to a lecture here at work and just determined or realised that there is a difference between zakaat, fitrah and sadaqah and I realised that I don't think I pay zakat? I feel so ashamed now as I was so ignorant to this and I would like to rectify this immediately. I tried to Google zakaat now but its a bit confusing. So if I may, can Mufti explain to me the difference between the 3 and how do I calculate zakaat and when I must pay it. Your guidance and assistance is greatly appreciated.