Various masaail of the Musjid

Does a Musjid have more virtue than a jamaat khaana?

Q: If a jamaat khana is on its own property, with the property being on a 'educational trust' etc with trustees etc, like how a normal masjid would be, all salaah etc But due to the zoning not yet being passed through the municipality as a religious site, it has not yet been declared a masjid. If the permission is granted, immediately it would be a masjid. My question is, is salaah in this jamaat khana inferior to that performed in a masjid 5 minutes away?

Removing a poster from the musalla notice board

Q: The 'Al Baraka Bank' had put up a big poster on the note board of a Jamaat Khana. It was a job advertisement, supposedly aimed at the students attending a nearby university. Furthermore, this 'Al Baraka Bank' had hired out a lecture venue at the university. This is for any students wanting to ask questions about the possible career opportunities at the bank etc. The time they set aside for this was between 12:30 and 13:10. When I saw this poster, I was overcome with extreme anger and disgust. When the Jamaat Khana was completely empty, and no one to see me, I removed this poster, tore it up, and threw it in the bin. I am not a trustee of this Jamaat Khana nor do I have any position of authority. If I were to had initially report this poster to the trustees or the Imaam, they would not see anything wrong in this advertising and would not do anything. (1) Since I was not the owner of this evil poster, nor do I have any authority of the Jamaat Khana, was I permitted in discarding the poster? (2) If I acted incorrectly, please advise as to how I can remedy my action.

Using the empty space of a waqf property for performing Salaah

Q: A property had been made waqf with the intention that the income be utilised for various charity purposes. Presently there is a dire need for a at least a Musallah where the local Muslim brothers can offer daily 5 salaahs. The waaqif is willing to make a supplementary Deed to incorporate the establishment of a Musallah on the empty terrace of the building he had donated. Is this ok and can one perform Jummah salaah and also tarawih and Eid salaah in addition to the daily 5 times salaah in such a place?