
Washing impurity


1. At times we put impure wet clothes in the machine and it touches the side of it, when removing it the clothes touches the same part wich the impure clothes touched, does it become impure again.

2. If 1 drop of urine falls on a wet cloth, is the whole cloth impure or only that part?

3. If impurity is found on clothing that is already washed in a machine, must all the clothes be washed again?

Brushing the teeth before ghusal


1. Should I brush my teeth in order to remove the yellow particles before ghusl of janabah or can I just gargle my mouth? (Just gargling wont remove the yellow particles on the teeth)

2. I know that if one food particle is stuck on the teeth and is less than the size of a chana then no problem but what about if many particles got stuck in many teeth?

Rowzaana nahana

Q: Kya Islam me insaan har roz naha sakta he? Me chowbees gante me ayk baar zaroor nahata ho kia Islam me aisa karna ghalat hai? Mera matlab ye paani ka israaf he? Or me safaai ke gharz say rowzaana naha sakta hu?

Sodomy with clothes on


1. When a man inserts his tip of penis in other man's anus, both should have fard ghusl right?

2. Is the ghusl fard even if when both had worn clothes? E.g. If one had worn pants and the other had also worn pants but penis went inside anus along with both pants. Is ghusl fard still?