
Finding blood on one's clothing after making ghusal

Q: Whilst doing compulsory ghusl, you get a cut from a razor when removing hair from private parts and you realise this after few hours only due to seeing some tiny spots of blood on underwear, then is the ghusl and all the namaz prayed valid? Should one repeat the ghusl and namaz? I'm not sure if this was flowing. The tiny spots of blood would equal to a small amount of blood less than a coin however, the spots were scattered over an area of the underwear and this area could potentially exceed the coin size.

Ma'zoor due to passing wind

Q: I am having a problem of passing wind. For one salah I make 4-5 times wudu because of this problem.

1. My question is that am I considered a mazoor?

2. If a person had said his salah when he is continuously passing wind and after some time of completion of his salah if he got rid of gaseous problem and salah time was there should that person repeat salah?


Q: Every time after passing urine, urine drops come out after 5 to 10 minutes. Before I used to use tissue before I perform wudhu. Due to long time use of tissue I got itching on my private part. Please tell me solution.

Mani (semen) of females

Q: I am in a big problem. I'm really afraid of wet dreams. Last night I saw a dream. It was not of sexual nature, just a lovable nature but I feel as if I was aroused. When I woke up I felt wetness but it was the same wetness I felt a day before when I was awake (I'm thinking it's regular vaginal discharge). I am unmarried so I don't know what mani looks like. Is ghusl still wajib on me? Please suggest because I have doubts in everything, even in wudu prayer and other things etc etc.


Q: I experience wet drops once I get to my partner without having any physical relation. Can I go for salaah or other things without "ghusal"?