
Finding dirt in one's ear after ghusal

Q: Please advise. I performed my ghusl as per usual. About an hour later I found some “dirt” in the crevice of my ear, like maybe old skin cells or maybe like the texture of tears once it has dried up. Is my ghusl counted? My concern is that the water did not pass over the area where the “dirt” was found and as such my ghusl might not be counted. Please advise.

Feeling some wetness after seeing a wet dream


1. I want to ask you if I remember having a wet dream and saw little discharge but very sure that this is vaginal discharge so gusl is fardh on me?

2. If I had a wet dream and on waking up I feel some wetness in my private area as all women have some moisture at there vagina so wetness should be reached out or should I use some tissue or cloth to check if there is any discharge?

Impurities on one's shoes

Q: Please can you help me with the following?

1. I was walking outside and there was an area which had a lot of stool from various birds, I tried my best to avoid it but am not certain if I avoided it completely, does this make the bottom of my shoes napaak?

2. If a non Muslim is eating a sandwich and I am not sure what the content of the sandwich is (i.e. if it contained something haram) and they subsequently touched me on my back, does this make my clothes and the seat my back subsequently leaned against napaak?

Is mucus or phlegm impure?

Q: Are any of the following regarded as impure in Shari'ah?

1. The mucus or phlegm that comes out of the nose or throat due to a cold, flu or sinus infection

2. The yellowish white mucus or phlegm that comes out of the nose or throat due to a cold, flu or sinus infection

3. The yellow or green colour mucus or phlegm that comes out of the nose or throat due to a cold, flu or sinus infection (could be pus).

Correct way of washing the hands in wudhu

Q: According to the Hanafi Math-hab I'd like to know the correct way of washing the hands upto the wrists. I teach in a maktab madrassah and we used to teach them to first wash the right hand including the wrist three times and then to wash the left hand including the wrist three times but we were told that that is incorrect and it has to be as follows:

To wash both hands including the wrists three times and the action has to be done in such a way that you would alternate e.g you would first wash the right hand then the left hand and then the right hand, so the right hand would end up getting washed twice and the left once.

Can you please advise on how it should be taught to the kids.

Fluid coming out after ghusal

Q: I broke my ghusl yesterday and today before performing ghusl, I trimmed my pubic hair by applying shaving gel then fluid started coming out of my private part. I sat on the toilet seat for like 20 minutes squishing my private part to get all the fluid out, but it was continuously coming out. I got under the shower for 5 minutes and again went to the toilet seat to check if it was still coming out, there was a little of it but after squishing it twice, the fluid stopped coming out, I checked twice and there wasn't any fluid. I performed ghusl but I am not sure if that fluid came out during the performance of ghsul or not or afterwards. Do I need to perform ghusl again?

Note: I face a lot of waswasa during ghusl and it takes me about half and hour to perform ghusl! It's really hard for me so I just don't want to do it again!