

Q: I have few questions to ask..

1. Does vagina wind break wudhu?

2. After cleaning yourself is the water in vagina napak? If it drips on cloth how to clean it? After 4-5 minutes the water in vagina become napak?

3. If i don't know whether a drop that fall on my shirt is urine or water as i before washed my face and precaustionary i just wipped the area with wet hand 2 3 times but did not squeeze it and after drying there was no impurity so was it paak or napak? If napak then what should i do clean other things where that cloth touched ?

Using wudhu utensils

Q: Does all pots of wuzoo including lotay, shower, doors and sometimes plastic pipe which are wet by water are clean and paak? Can we use these things without hesitation or we need some special things to use them?

Ma'zoor during preganancy

Q: During pregnancy, especially in the last two months, the expected mother gets vaginal discharge. Sometimes she makes wuzu and just starts to offer 4 farz during 2nd rakat she feels a bit discharge as small as a 1rs coin (pakistani currency) . Does her wuzu break? Does She need to make wuzu again and offer prayer again? What if its zohr prayer and during 4 sunnah and then again during 4 farz she gets discharge? Is this vaginal discharge exempted because its specifically related to pregnancy and the last months and sometimes related to some days of pregnancy.

Ghusal after dreaming


1. I wanna ask you, if I had a dream which is not like any wet dream but in this dream I feel nervous, love and happy but there is no sexual activity, does this count as a wet dream?

2. If I have some sexual things in my mind in the beginning of my sleep but at that time I don't sleep completely so should I count it as a wet dream if only mazi comes out ?

Performing ghusal due to feeling wetness upon awakening

Q: Please tell me in which situation I will have to perform ghusl if mani is not released but feel little wetness

1. If I saw a dream which is lovable in nature not sexual

2. I saw a dream in which I feel nervous or shy but don't do anything sexual 

3. A dream in which I got a little bit aroused but not anything sexual

b. If I am at first stage of my sleep but not sleep completely and some dirty things flashes but I don't feel vaginal throbbing or not my heart beat goes fast so does this count as a wet dream and do I have to perform ghusl?