
Seeing a white spot on one's underwear

Q: Sometimes when I go to the bathroom I see a white spot/stain. The thing is that the stain is there when I am awake. I mean that if I don't sleep for a whole day and then see it is there. Even If I don't get aroused there is a spot. It doesn't feel wet and neither does my private part fell sticky or slimy like its covered nether does my skin. This case is when I haven't slept for whole day after changing underwear in morning. I don't even feel anything if it there or while coming out if something does come out

1. Am I impure?

2. Do I have to change my underwear and do I have to do ghusul? 

Cleaning impurities from clothing

Q: We have a washerman, who after cleaning the clothes with detergent uses hodees (small water ponds to store water) to wash them completely. He uses 3 or 4 such hodees such that after putting clothes in one, he puts them in the other to remove the remains of the detergent... Will it suffice to make the najis clothes paak if one finds no signs of najasat afterwards...

Making ghusal with a fractured arm

Q: I am a 26 years old male. My right hand has got fractured and with plaster of Paris... Due to it I cannot use it and can't remove my upper clothes (shirt, etc.). I can go to the washroom on my own but I can't take a bath due to the injury. However I can only perform wudu (with masah on injured hand) and can wash lower part of my body i.e. legs and face and head. What is the ruling if ghusal gets obligatory upon me.... Should I make tayammum instead of ghusal or washing lower part of body, face and head and wet hand on upper body will suffice?