
Thoughts of shirk

Q: Sorry for the disturbance it will be feel like am playing but please help me understand today one insident happened when I go through internet I get to know there is thing like if we do something that Allah doesn't like it's shirk so the thought that came to my mind is my friend who is a girl so I thought talking to her is shirk but I search in the internet in that they have told like it is minor shirk so I keep searching until I clear this doubt and then there were some post like it can be major shirk so to be frank I really don't want to do that if its major shirk but I want to make this doubt go dissapear so I kept searching at last I got to no there is no prob but now I feel like I was ready to talk even if it is major shirk but to be frank I don't no wat I thought ... it can be true that I might thought or not but am not sure but I was searching whole time to make That thing normal but now it feels like I commuted shirk and here after talking to her is shirk .... so I don't no wat is true what is right and wrong anymore unlike other issue this feel real because I was very clear than other incident that happened bcz of waswaas so now I can't say it's waswaas or me .. and definitely can't say like I was nt ready so what can I do ... I just want to be safe from shirk so is there is any way I can ask forgiveness and talk to hey normally or should I ask forgiveness nd stop talk to her ... u might be mad to hear this .... does this mean I committed shirk and if I talk to her again does that consider as shirk ?

What is shirk?

Q: Please clarify what is shirk for me. I know Allah is alone he has no partners. Whatever happenes to us comes from Allah. He is alone worthy of worship Allah has no partners. When I do a sin I feel bad and I know it is a sin and I do taubah. Looking at the phone at pictures I do taubah. I know its a sin. Is it shirk to look at pictures?

Thoughts of shirk

Q: Because of some thoughts that came to my mind, I thought talking to a friend is shirk so I planned to stop talking. For that I called that person and informed that person that I won't be talking to that person anymore and that is tha last time I was going to talk. We talked for while, when I was talking I felt like I was committing shirk by talking to that person then I thought that I will commit shirk this time and ask for forgiveness from Allah and stop talking to that person. After that incident I got to know that it was not shirk to talk to that person so they told me to talk to that person now am talking to that person but still am confused that if I was ready to commit shirk because of that person did that mean I comit shirk and I gave more priority to that person than Allah because in that time I thought to commit shirk one time and ask for forgiveness so after I think like that is it shirk to talk to that person now ??? Is there is any way to make it normal ... I asked forgiveness from Allah if I have committed any shirk and now am talking to that person as normal because that person is not more important than Allah but still .. is there is any shirk in talking to that person now ???? Or did I commit any shirk by thinking like that while talking that guy?

Stray thoughts of committing shirk

Q: If I was ready to commit a sin even it is shirk, does that mean that I comitted shirk ? Will that sin be shirk if I do it again? If I am doing something with the doubt whether it's shirk or not does that mean I comit shirk ? If I dont stop doing a thing with doubt that it might be shirk .. does that mean am committing shirk ? What can do for over come this ?? Is that mean I comit shirk and is it shirk to do that thing again or have some other way to ask forgiveness and do as normal sin ? Will Allah forgive me if I continue this sin and think as normal sin or will it be considered as shirk if I do these sin ? These are not important than Allah so what should I do ?

Difference between sin and shirk

Q: How to differentiate between sin and shirk (especially major shirk) Example:

1# If a person does many haram acts because of his desire and continues it without fearing Allah then will it be just a sin or it will be considered as he is following his desire? Is it shirk as mentioned in Quran [45:23] “Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil?

2# We know interest is haram. If a person continues to take interest after knowing it haram or does not pay zakat, does it mean that he loves money more than Allah and doing shirk as mentioned in hadith “He who became the slave of the Dinar or the Dirham will perish and be destroyed.” [Hadith Bukhari] So are these just sin or they are shirk or they may lead to shirk even major shirk?

Haraam relationship

Q: Today one incident happened when I go through internet I get to no there is thing like if we do something that Allah doesn't like it's shirk so the thought that came to my mind is my friend who is a girl so I thought talking to her is shirk but I search in the internet in that they have told like it is minor shirk so I keep searching until I clear this doubt and then there were some post like it can be major shirk so to be frank I really don't want to do that if its major shirk but I want to make this doubt go dissapear so I kept searching at last I got to no Thera is no prob but now I feel like I was ready to talk even if it is major shirk but to be frank I don't no wat I thought ... it can be true that I might thought or not but am not sure but I was searching whole time to make That thing normal but now it feels like I commuted shirk and here after talking to her is shirk .... so I don't no wat is true what is right and wrong anymore unlike other issue this feel real because I was very clear than other incident that happened bcz of waswaas so now I can't say it's waswaas or me .. and definitely can't say like I was nt ready so what can I do ... I just want to be safe from shirk so is there is any way I can ask forgiveness and talk to hey normally or should I ask forgiveness nd stop talk to her ... u might be mad to hear this but plz hlp to understand.