

Q: My father died 3 years ago and he left some property behind and he didn’t write any will. He has only five daughters and a wife. His father and mother are not alive and he has no siblings from father's side but his mother got married to another man and she has 4 children. All his property is self made and he didn’t get a penny from his mother or anyone. Do we need to give some share to his brothers and sisters from his maternal side?

Eating at relatives homes where the inheritance was not distributed according to Shari'ah

Q: Is partaking meals permissible in a home where the the inheritance was not divided among the heirs which is a very common scenario in almost every home. If it is not permissible then one would perhaps not go to any of his relatives, friends home? What is the sharee ruling regarding it and would it affect Sila Rahmi (maintaining family ties) if we don’t visit our close relatives because of this?

Inheriting property that was purchased with money that was loaned from a bank

Q: If someone's father bought a lot of property in his life, but in the beginning, if he took a loan from the bank and mixed it with the money he earned to purchase some properties, if the father dies then is all the property halaal for his children? Because the father included the bank loan amount and bank takes interest when giving a loan.


Q: Kindly advise how to share the estate of a divorced lady if she is survived by 1 son, 1 daughter, a widowed mother, two brothers and a sister.